May 22 Comic Week in Review

This week for our written comic book reviews we are covering issues that weren’t talked about on Comicast #82. Please enjoy our reviews of Uncanny X-Men #6, Superior Spider-Man #10, Judge Dredd #7, Arrow #7, and Star Wars: Legacy #3.

Dark Horse
Writers: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman, Artist: Gabriel Hardman
I don’t know why but the force was telling me I had to have this book this week so I trusted in the forced and it served me well. This is the issue where it is finally picking up and things are really starting to come together. An imperial knight links up with Ania Solo and her little crew as they start to piece what has been going on together. Of course this was after they were chased down some other imperial forces. To say the least it got hairy there for a moment especially when this knight showed up. This was overall a quick, easy, enjoyable read. The art did most of the work and the writing did a good job of keeping the story flowing. The gritty, sketchy art style seemed cleaned up and more colorful than ever. Personally I think that this is the best issue of this series that I’ve seen and read.
Verdict: BUY


ARROW #7 $3.99
Writers: Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg, Art: Allan Jefferson, Le Beau Underwood, Victor Drujiniu, Juan Castro, & Xermanico
Another quick, easy, fun, enjoyable read this week. Right away I want to say that this three story issue is actually three 99 cent digital issues wrapped into one so if you do the math the digital issues are cheaper. Whats cool about this is that each issue correlates with each episode. If you don’t watch the show you're missing out on the best live action superhero show made to date. If you are watching the show then these are a MUST READ. I prefer the digitals myself but I indulge in the paper from time to time just to keep you all informed on how great this comic series is. Even if you don’t watch the show these are still some great Green Arrow short stories. If the Lemire wasn’t on the Green Arrow title these would easily be the best Green Arrow material being released. Ok so the first story was about Slade and how his partner betrayed him on the island. The paneling for this story was really neat and unique as it looked kind of like barbed wire or something. The second story featured Felicity, Oliver, and some deranged modern day wannabe Robin Hood. Besides Felicity making fun of Oliver and him claiming not to be Robin Hood there were other cool and humorous moments as he takes down this gay that is littering the streets and sky with stolen cash turning the cites people into a frenzy. Third story was about Oliver and Diggle getting played by a pretty girl and how they turned her little car heist, chop into a night. Lets just say in the end she learns her lesson. Its astonishing how close each of these artists styles are and yet slightly different and impressive in their own ways despite having a similar gritty, sketchy look.
Verdict: BUY


 JUDGE DREDD #7 $3.99
Writer: Duane Swierczynski, Artist: Nelson Daniel, Kyle Hotz
This was a continuation of the story arc in which all of the droids have malfunctioned and are attacking humans. One of the previous stories about clones also become intwined win this one. At the end of the last issue I was feeling that this story arc was coming to a close and was happy to see it doing so unfortunately I was wrong. This story arc is STILL going on or rather dragging on at this point. Its cool to see stuff tie together but not at the cost of making the story too drawn out. Its kind of like Ambassador Jbemms said, “this title feels obsolete in comparison to Judge Dredd Year One” and he couldn’t be more right. The art in the first story is consistent, cartoony, and yet somehow a little gritty as well but just not enough for a title like this. Besides the inclusion of the clones story line I can't really tell you what happened because it wasn’t very memorable and neither was the second story. They both felt like they ended before they got started. The art was great for the second story but I’ll be damned if the story wasn’t weird as hell. It was about a guy and his clone falling in love with each other. To be honest even though I don’t purchase this title any longer I’m still getting tired of reading it.
Verdict: PASS

Superior Spider-Man #10 $3.99
Writer: Dan Slott, Artist: Ryan Stegman
Let the interwebs, twittersphere, and haters explode as I pronounce that this issue actually wasn't that bad. Now I’m definitely not saying its good but I will say that this is how this title should have been starting with issue one, and it would have been better for doing so. Octavius doles out his own version of street justice and it almost feels welcoming as it is against a bunch of hoodlums, gangs, and mobsters. It almost seems as if Otto has perfected what Peter never could, balancing his personal life with his secret identity. It was a little shaky and scary for Mary Jane for a moment but in the end it all ended well. We’ll see if he can keep this charade up as a few folk are started to become weary of how different he really is especially now that it seems as if Octavius has taken a love interest of his own. The art was pretty solid through out so no complaints there. I definitely won’t be spending any of my hard earned money on this title any time soon but I won’t deny that it hasn’t piqued my interest in the sense that I could get use to this fair level of decency.

UNCANNY X-MEN #6 $3.99
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Artist: Frazer Irving
I honestly felt that this issue stepped up in quality in both writing and art. At the same time it was consistent with the last issue just better. The art was definitely a little more clear though odd and abstract much like as issue. The cover more or less says it all. Bendis knocked it out of the park when it came to dialogue as he usually does which I felt has been lacking here and there on this title. The ending reveal of who the new mutant SHIELD agent is was pretty puzzling. I don’t understand how or why SHIELD would think this person would be very useful to them or what this persons motivations for doing what this are but I’m sure BMB will tell us all soon enough. It was definitely a surprise and makes for an interesting twist. Most of this book is a continuation of what happened last issue. As much as I liked the writing in this issue I just couldn’t bring myself to get this one as the weird, unique, oily, water color style art just isn't my cup of tea. I hope this is the end of the story arc for this book or at least the last one that this artist is on.

You can pick up these comics at Kaboom Test Labs or Twin Suns Comics & Games


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