February 27 Comic Week in Review

This week for the Comic book Week in Review we have some of the books we covered on the Comicast and a few others we didn’t.

Aquaman #17 $2.99
Writer: Geoff Johns, Artist: Paul Pelletier
Paul killed it on art this issue. I'm slowly starting to like him more as he is way better at spreads than Reis. The issue started with some save the whales bs then Aquaman showed up and took command. The transition of him as the new king of Atlantis is interesting as both sides don't trust him or know where his alliance truly lies. I was pretty underwhelmed by the story in this issue as I thought there would be bigger ramifications from the Atlantis story arc. The direction they took I felt was kind of weak in comparison to other possibilities. I really feel like Johns was slacking in this issue and made a big step back in regards to a certain part of the book in which Aquaman talks to the sea creatures. Johns has made it a point to show us that Aquaman is badass and does NOT talk to fish but then that's exactly what he has him do in this issue. I felt like that was really counterproductive and stupid though it was magnificently drawn. I'm interested to find out what's going to happen considering the ending but for now it just seems like they're playing the whole our weapons have gotten into the wrong hands scenario.
Verdict: BUY
Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #4 of 4 $3.99
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski, Artist: Adam Hughes
This issue felt like it was more of an Ozymandias issue than anything else. This was a decent close to the series but had the potential to be so much better. I really wish they would have explored Dr. Manhattan's loss of touch with humanity in multiple ways. The issue ended up being about Dr. Manhattan confiding in Ozy that he couldn't see the future clearly. Ozy relishes in the idea that he has completely fooled Doc into thing that its the certainty of doomsday due to his existence. The art is with out a doubt impressively stunning and at one point makes you flip the book upside down. I don't feel like it really served a purpose, that or I didn't get the message. This would be good as a  trade but I thought it was a pretty weak issue definitely a buy for a collector or hardcore before watchmen fan like myself.
Verdict: BUY
The Flash #17 $2.99
Creative Team: Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
The Gorilla Warfare finale issue starts with a beautiful recap on Grodd then jumps into Flash's fight against him. Flash is confident and almost completely in control as they are in his domain. The situation in Central City is starting to brighten as the cavalry arrives to stop Grodd's gorilla army. The art is brilliant with text/art panels and gorgeous spreads and paneling. The rogues try to recruit a new member, Flash takes care of business, ties a loose end, and more or less sets everything right. The ending had a few really intriguing and awesome parts. This was a great wrap up, conclusion issue and lead into the next arc. This is a good title to read in issues if you're patient and don't mind waiting for the payout but I'll be switching to trade from here on out.
Verdict: BUY
Injustice Gods Among Us #2 $3.99
Writer: Tom Taylor, Artists: Mike S. Miller, Bruno Redondo
Superman is reeling from the death of his wife and unborn child. Wonder Woman is gorgeous, Superman's visual transformations are impressive and well done. Green Lantern tries to stop Superman from doing something he would regret. That didn't end well for Hal but it definitely didn't end as badly as it could have. Batman over estimates Supes purity and Joker got the last laugh. Harley breaks loose and gets captured by Green Arrow. Harley didn't look like her pale old self which was off putting but she was well written as was the rest book. Seeing Clark with 5 o'clock shadow and completely losing it was awesome, sad, and it reminded me of Superman 3. By the end of the issue he's fresh faced, clear headed, and ready to change the world. Things are headed into a dark future and its awesome. Whether you plan on playing the game or not this is a great "what if" story.
Verdict: BUY
Talon #5 $2.99
Writer: Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV, Artist: Guillem March
 The art is an impressive spectacle of glorious awesome. It actually starts with Dick & Bruce talking about Talon. These characters Calvin, Casey, Sarah, and Sebastian seem so real through the way they are written. The mission in this issue is to take down the security island fortress of the court of owls. From the look and sound of it it's not only going to be the toughest mission but its virtually impossible as well. The court is not impressed with the Butchers results so far. As it all turns out things are a lot worse than they initially thought. The characters, their relationships, the story, and art are all very enjoyable to say the least.
Verdict: BUY

Pablo Gunner Cover of the Week
FF #4 $2.99
Writer: Matt Fraction, Artist: Michael Allred
This book is adorable, fun, colorful, funny, and visually enticing. Jennifer Walters is gorgeous as is the Allred art and colors. Not much happened in this issue but it was just so damn enjoyable and fun. The moloids are infatuated with She-Hulk, she's going to have a night on the town with Wyatt Wingfoot so the moloids join up with Bentley to thwart their plans. The shenanigans that ensue are hilarious, cute, and crazy. The ending had an interesting and unforeseen reveal. The writing is smart, clever, and charming much like the art.
Verdict: BUY
Guardians of The Galaxy #0.1 $3.99
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis(BMB), Artist: Steve McNiven
Alien human crash lands out in the country on some lady’s land. She nurses him back to health, he fixes his ship, and they fall in love in the process but he’s not from earth so he has to leave because he has a war to fight. She's pregnant and has a son. The boy grows without a father, hearing about him but never seeing him. Their house gets attacked and destroyed by the aliens at war with the alien man. This story is being told by none other than Star Lord to the other Guardians. The art is very clean, clear, sharp, and intense like the story itself. Though it may not be a good intro to the Guardians it was the perfect intro to Star Lord because I’m interested to say the least. I’m excited to see this series bloom.
Verdict: BUY n’ ADD

Thunderbolts #5 $2.99
Writer: Daniel Way, Artist: Steve Dillon

The visuals are still ugly even though they are very slowly getting better. The Leader now in red is carrying General Thunderbolt Ross, Punisher & Elecktra work as a team to kill some mofos, and Deadpool catches those two kissing. Thats more or less what all happened. Its still boring and dragging on. Considering who all is on this team this book is really lame even the action feels mostly empty and lackluster.
Verdict: PASS
Uncanny X-Men #2 $3.99
Writer: BMB, Artist: Chris Bachalo
This issue was mostly about Emma Frost. The art was very inconsistent even from panel to panel though the spreads were quite impressive. It was nice to hear what Emma is going through and thinking as we rarely get a peek into her head. Some of the panel structures were rather unique and attractive. I especially liked the lay out of the new base. Most of this issue was just Emma and Scott having a conversation and an interesting conversion it was indeed. It laid to rest quite a few things and brought others to light. Some of the students, one in particular, is really itching to go home and visit her family so thats exactly what they do. Its not long before the cavalry arrives but it was some entrance. I’m just wondering how long its going to take before the uncanny crew finds out that not only is somebody snitching but who it is. To be honest its not that hard to figure it out. The art was lacking but the writing completely made up for it.
Verdict: BUY
Young Avengers #2 $2.99
Writer: Kieron Gillen, Artist: Jamie McKelvie
I’m really warming up to the couple in this book. For one I didn’t feel like they were shoving it down my throat and instead it felt more real, natural, cute, and kind of adorable. I missed the inclusion of the two characters I liked the most but I barely noticed because I was so sucked in. Things start making a lot more sense in this issue like what the hell is Loki doing and what is he up to. For once it doesn’t seem mischievous or sinister in any way, shape, or form. It becomes more apparent that they may not be in the same universe anymore. Not much really happened in this issue but what did happen was interesting and enjoyable visually and verbally. Loki shows up to aid Hulkling and Wiccan with their little situation. The art is still stylistic, clean, clear, and concise. I’m slowly starting to think that this may be a better book in trade. Good luck finding this issue because we didn't.
Verdict: BUY

You can pick up these comics at Kaboom Test Labs or Twin Suns Comics & Games


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