Marvel NOW! Avengers Arena #1 $2.99Writer: Dennis Hopeless, Art: Kev Walker, Frank Martin
PabloGood hook with Hazmat defending herself against X-23 in Day 29. Then we have a nice touching moment before we're introduced to all the players, how the game is played, and it's host. It was all very theatrical. I only know 5 of the 16 kid contestants and care for less. I really enjoy and have missed the villain. It's great to see that he's stepped his game up in multiple ways. The art was pretty impressive overall. This title is similar to the title it was spun off of and it also makes this issue better if you have read it. The book I'm referencing is Avengers Academy as it has a few characters and a similar art style. I'm not a hardcore AA fan but I found it knowing of it allowed me to enjoy it more so you might not care if you don't know any of these characters. Verdict: BUY
The art was really well done. I felt like since I did not follow Avengers Academy that much that I missed out. I did not know the characters all that well and
I had no reason to care about them. I truly think if I read the more of Academy I would have enjoyed his a little more. I hope the next issue well help me care more for the characters.
Verdict: Skim
Marvel NOW! Avengers Assemble #10 $3.99
Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Artist: Stefano Caselli
PabloWhereas the last issue was all fun and games, literally, things get real serious real quick. Banner gets a monster organism thingy inside him and the captains, Marvel & America, go after a scientist and his handler. There are quite a few great character moments through out. The art by Caselli is soft, smooth, slick, and semi-realistic. This is the perfect book to pick up if you're a fan of the movies. Verdict: BUYAmbassador
DeConnick writing truly turns this joke of a series into an awesome worthwhile series. With the help of Casilli on art the book is a great read and admiration of art from beginning to end. The story turned more serious this time. The characters were written well. I lied seeing Captain America and Captain Marvel working well together. We really got to see how the military background of those two really help them understand each other. This book is a great pick up if you like the Avengers Comics or the Movies
Verdict: BUY
Marvel NOW! Cable & X-Force #1 $3.99Writer: Dennis Hopeless, Artist: Salvador LarrocaPabloNow this is how you do a team up book. Take your time introducing the characters, get their motivations for being part of the team, get people to care about them, good set up for the first mission and next issue. Hopeless does a good job at introducing the characters and there's more to come. Larroca does a fantastic job on art especially the hook with the Uncanny Avengers, Havok looks badass, which seems hard for most artist. Verdict: BUYAmbassador
This book does a great job at setting up the series. This book also shows more of what Hope is doing in her life and her relationship with her Dad, Cable. This book also brings in crazy new ideas keeping it fresh. Cable has a new twist to his body and will have to learn more of what he can and cannot do. The art was good and helped tell the story.
Verdict: Buy
TMNT #17 $3.99Story: Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Art: Ben BatesPabloRight away you will notice that the art is a lot more colorful and cartoony than ever before. Hardcores may dislike this but I for one enjoyed it and think it makes sense for the upcoming and present story arc as it will be taking place in Neutrino. At first it started with Splinter getting everybody together to talk about past, present, and future. Krang talks about a plan to recover Honeycutt while his adversaries carry theirs out. This is when things get hairy for the turtles and let's just say its out of this world. Verdict: BUYAmbassador
Bates really knows how to capture the art in TMNT. I will always be a fan of Duncan's art, but the art is good for the story arc and series. I love how this book settles conflicts from other arcs and also transitions to the new story arc. I like how Futoid will finally play a part in the main story. I am wondering how the Turtles will resolve their differences with the people of Neutrino. I am really impressed with how bates draw Krang in this issue. TMNT is one of the best indie series out there. I feel this reboot may be one of the best things to ever happen to the series.
The Walking Dead #105 $2.99Writer: Robert Kirkman, Art: Charlie AdlardPabloNegan is treated like a king amongst his people, and a mad king he is. Carl is forced to show his gaping hole to his captor. Things are starting to become pretty evident that this guy may actually be worse than the governor by showing us how and why. The facial expressions are mind blowingly well done. Verdict: BUYAmbassador
Negan shows Carl around the place. Negan has a lot of respect for the kid. He thinks Carl is awesome. He even gets past the fact that he killed 5 of his men. Negan is truly the one of the craziest characters to ever appear int he series. The art is really well done. Like Pablo says the facial expressions were very impressive and added to the story. This is a great series to read issue by issue.
Verdict: BUY
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #15
Writer: Matt Kindt Art: Ponticelli & Wayne Faucher
I saw this book on the shelf and remembered that he was involved in Rotworld. I saw that this book had the Rot in it and decided to read it. Frankenstein basically looking for the power to make others like him to fight the Rot. He also faces his creator Victor. Victor appears to have his own power within the Rot. He wants to take out Arcane so he can rule the Rot. Victor is stopped by Frankenstein. The art looks good in this issue. This helped me know more of who this guy is and why he appeared in Animal Man. He sought out the Red Kingdom to get help to fight Arcane.
Verdict: BUY
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