Pablo Gunners 4/25 Comics Reviews

From now on I’m going to be offering my opinion on the previous weeks comics for those of you that prefer written or like to have both written and audio reviews.
The Flash #8 Story by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato(Boo-Chel-Loto), Art by Francis Manapul “The Speed Force” Turbine is trapped in the speed force trying to get out. Flash is looking for Iris West in the speed force. Gorilla Grodd is introduced. This was a good easy, informative, interesting. It was a little wordy and the art is still top notch with a few awesome 2 page spreads.
Verdict: BUY
Aquaman #8 Writer-Geoff Johns, Penciller/Inker-Ivan Reis(Ray-S), Inker-Joe Prado
The Others Chapter 2: Somebody is going after The Others and Aquaman is determined to find out who. We get a peek into Aquamans past as a member of one of The Others looking like a sexy shirtless beast.
The story is told through visually enticing art panels and few words.
Verdict: BUY
American Vampire #26 Writer: Scott Snyder, Art: Roger Cruz
The Nocturnes Part 1 of 2: New story arc, new characters, new artist. Roger Cruz makes for an easy, seamless, clean art transition. This is a fresh new cast with new players and enemies that has the same American Vampire look and feel. There is also a sneak preview of Shooter, a realistic spot-on portrayal of military life and personnel.
Verdict: BUY
Daredevil #11 Writer Mark Waid, Artist Marco Checchetto
The Omega Effect: Daredevil has employed the help of Punisher and Spider-Man assist him to take down megacrime. This is the final step of the plan as one of Daredevils allies turns on him. Checchetto gives Daredevil the perfect feel with detailed radar sense panels and dark smooth art. The story is a little predictable but the dialogue continues to stimulating and fitting to each character.
Verdict: BUY
Avengers VS X-Men 1 of 6
Clever Q&A intro/explanation on first page. Just straight forward brawls.
The Invincible Iron Man vs. Magneto Writer Jason Aaron, Art Adam Kubert
Tony Stark vs Eric Magnus Lensherr, Stark genius, tech, and resources versus the master of magnetism fighting on land and in space.
The Thing vs. Namor Writer Kathryn Immonen, Art Stuart Immonen
Strongest FF member versus Sub-Mariner, King of Atlantis, Ruler of the Seas, the first mutant, Imperius Rex fighting each other underwater.
Verdict: BUY

Cover of The Week(CoTW): American Vampire#26
Spread of The Week(SoTW): Aquaman#8
Panel of The Week(PoTW): AVSX#1 of 6 Iron Man vs Magneto
Back and Bag of The Week(BnBoTW): Daredevil#11


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